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30 юли 2008
тържеството на нихилизма
Old school - old's cool!
Конкурс за класическа черно-бяла аналогова фотография
От името на Сдружение ИМЕ имаме удоволствието да ви поканим да участвате в тазгодишния проект и фотографски перформанс - конкурс с черно бели снимки интерпретация на темата – „Градски Ангели Хранители”.
Поради спецификата на перформанса, на който ще се обявят резултатите от конкурса, е необходимо оригиналните кадри да бъдат заснети на черно бял филм!
Проекта ще се осъществи със съдействието на район Лозенец във формат – уличен фестивал до Семинарията и изложби и инсталации във Водната кула на 13 и 14 Септември.
Награда на Публиката: фотографски материали, осигурени от спонсорите
За повече подробности посетете сайта на сдружението, или попитайте на
21 юли 2008
This sounds exactly like a battle between capitalists
One thing is pretty clear
You don't know nothing about
Political economy
I actually make logical statements
I talk and I talk and I talk and I talk
I know better, I know all
Because I'm a Telekommunist
I'm a Telekommunist
That's all
When I teach you how to telephone for free
About kingdoms and classes and so on
Patents, copyrights and land
Factories and Software Plants
You know some rule over others
But you like ideas
That's not what makes people do what they do
Let's have some beers and talk
And I talk and I talk and I talk and I talk
I know better, I know all
'Cause I'm a Telekommunist
I'm a Telekommunist
That's all
I'm a Telekommunist
I'm a Telekommunist
I'm a Telekommunist
I'm a Telekommunist
(c) 2008 n0name
Hot spot >> JAZZHOT и галерия „8” – Варна
JAZZHOT и галерия „8” – Варна
Наскоро галерия 8 празнува своите двадесет години. Бързата сметка показва, че през 1988 година се пръква първата частна галерия в България по времето на социализма - галерия 8. Човекът планирал и и извършил това деяние е Борис Стателов – и така 20 години.
На 18 юли 2008 от 18.00 часа свободата се свързва с любовта и любовта към свободата намира образ в джаза и неговите икони, интерпретирани от Христо Алексиев. Днес авторът показва едно свое виждане на портрети на изтъкнати имена в джаза.
Ето и няколко реда от автора по повод експозицията:
JAZZHOT е новото име на JAZZICONS
Топлина, горещина, защото Варна е не само града на слънцето, но и на моите приятели, почитатели на моето изкуство и джаза.
Топлина, горещина, обяснение в любов на джаза и легендарните му лица. Топлина, горещина, любов - те повече от всичко са необходими в заобикалящата ни духовна разруха. Моите портрети са опит да съчетая фенското си преклонение и дизайнерския професионализъм, трайното и моментното, музикалната и хартиената вечност. Вярвам, че всеки човек още от раждането си се стреми към красота, и че всеки човек има по един портрет от самия себе си. Художникът също.
Христо Алексиев
Изложбата е третия цикъл от проекта на ЗАФТРА "Моите джаз икони".
За контакти:
Борис Стателов
Галерия 8
9000 Варна ,ул. „Шкорпил” №8a
тел. (052) 612 675
14 юли 2008
Live concerts, performances and sound-installations
- a project in the frame of European Sound Delta -
The Bridge Festival is a two days music and sound-art event held on the 18th and 19th of July in Ruse, at the Canetti House and in the old fort Sexaginta Prista, as well as in the Giurgiu freezone. More than 30 artists from Europe, Canada and U.S. are invited to take part with concerts, performances and sound-installations.
The entrance at the festival is almost free: a symbolic 1 euro is to be paid for the night concerts.
Space disco guru Prins Thomas is invited to play on the first day of the festival. Prins Thomas first poked his head up in dance circles in 2003, joining forces with Lindstrøm to bring a new kind of vibe to disco circles, one that was as in love with instrumental rock and noodly seventies jazz as dusty old disco gems. «I like to mix up the styles. The old with the new, the minimal cuts with the Balearic beauties and my own classics on top of it in order not to get bored", says the master himself.
Warp artist Mira Calix will be taken out of the «wilderness» and brought to Ruse for an organic « laptronica » live set built using knackered bits of wood, noises of insects and songs of birds. Her wide musical vocabulary and extensive record collection have resulted in her opening up for famous live bands like Godspeed You!, Black Emperor, Radiohead, Boards of Canada, Pan Sonic and Faust.
Other names like the legendary minimalists Phill Niblock or Katherine Liberovskaya, the electronica swinger Candie Hank or the fairytale Berlin duo Chica and The Folder are also invited to perform, together with field-recording French artists like Joakim Montessuis, Julien Ottavi, TÔ, WPMG and new talents from both sides of the Danube like Pistamashina(BG), Sillyconductor (RO), Minus & Vali (RO) etc.
At the Canetti House in Ruse, Le Placard, a ten hours headphone festival, is programmed on the 19th of July. The festival "is a particular way of diffusing performances via headphones, thus immersing the audience in a state of concentration. To the present day, about a hundred of Le Placard festivals have taken place, connecting various cities.
In the same venue, Halbot, the sound installation by the French group APO33, will be on view, displaying a local network of recording/broadcast devices linked to different remote spaces.
During the festival, two audio-walks will be held both in Ruse and the neighboring Giurgiu. The Sound Drop audio-walks invite the public to rediscover the cityscapes through sounds that transform the perception of spaces and introduce fiction into reality.
The Bridge Festival takes place in the frame of European Sound Delta - a 3 months nomadic residency navigating on the Rhine and Danube rivers, a performance across Europe and a radio project concerned with the perception of traversed spaces. Two boats will simultaneously navigate upstream on both European rivers from the North Sea and the Black Sea down to Strasbourg. Technical equipments and crews of artists - either invited or having responded to a call for participation - will be on board. During summer 2008, participants will be asked to compose sound pieces and create in-situ devices from recordings made in the crossed cities: ambiences, languages, music.
Organizers: Collectif Mu (Paris), Rokolectiv (Bucharest), Arena Media (Ruse), International Elias Canetti Association (Ruse)
Support: EACEA executive agency, Arcelor Mittal, Romanian Ministry of Culture, European Cultural Foundation, Saison Culturelle Européenne Culture France, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Sofia , Mainromline, Giurgiu City Hall
Media partners: Mouvement, Poptronics, Radio WNE, 24Fun,, ……
14h00 to 18h00 / Giurgiu Freezone (RO)
14h00 to 17h00 - Sound Drop Citysonics (MU) – audio-walk in the freezone
17h00 - TÔ (France) / live performance nearby the ESD boat
20h00 Canetti House (BG)
Julien Ottavi – Apo33 (Fr) / Halbot installation & live performance
Henning Lundkvist (Swe) / live performance
22h00 Sexaginta Prista (BG) - OPEN AIR
Live concerts & DJ Sets
Chica and The Folder / De
Sillyconductor / Ro
Tom Wilson / Uk
Prins Thomas / No
Cosmiq Microbiq / Ro
Vj: SKVJS / Ro
12h00 - 22h00 - Canetti House (BG)
Le Placard headphone festival
Sound Drop Citysonics (MU) - Ruse edit / 14h00 to 18h00
22h00 Canetti House (BG)
Phill Niblock (USA) & Katherine Liberovskaya (Ca) audio-video live performance vs Joachim Montessuis (Fr) live performance from MONS (BE)
23h00 - Sexaginta Prista (BG) - OPEN AIR
Live concerts & DJ Sets
Pistamashina / Bg
Mira Calix / Uk
Minus si Ion / Ro
Candie Hank / De
Camil / Ro
Alien Pimp / Ro
Vj Vali Chincisan / Ro
07 юли 2008
Бедно изкуство
01 юли 2008
an exhibition by
Daniela Kostova & Olivia Robinson
Saturday, June 28, 2 PM
Schenectady Museum & Suits-Bueche Planetarium
15 Nott Terrace Hts
Schenectady, NY 12308
Have you ever thought of sweat as a renewable energy source? The artists Daniela Kostova and Olivia Robinson will do just that when they perform Waste to Work at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, June 28 at the Schenectady Museum.
Inspired by the significant labor and electric industry histories of upstate New York, Waste to Work explores the transformation of labor into electric power, using sweat as the link. Sweat is the perfect medium: it is an electrolyte that can be used to make galvanic batteries--"waste" that can be harvested from our labors--and remains an extremely personal commodity that holds our scent, essential salts, fats, pheromones.
Kostova and Robinson will use video and an installed cabinet of batteries to illustrate how they developed batteries powered by their own and others' sweat. The power produced by the sweat batteries will illuminate a world map of LED shapes that designate centers of manufacturing and labor.
To create the sweat-powered batteries, the artists combined the practices of scientists and artists. Working with researchers a the Center for Biotechnology at Rensselaer, the artists developed batteries that are powered using sweat they collect in specially designed costumes they wear when participating in different kinds of physical labor.
google map:
(photos from the show coming soon!)
железен орден кой какво и защо
you can't save me
може и така
малко съветски песни и красавици
съдбата си играе със съдбата на съдба
What do New York Couples Fight About
Jackson Pollock on John Cage
царевицата и кунст-а - акция на плажа
Alva Noto - Birr from Refik Anadol on Vimeo.