contemporary art in Bulgaria;
contemporary art and Bulgaria;
contemporary art of Bulgaria;
contemporary art off Bulgaria;
contemporary art beyond Bulgaria;
When the cotroversy raised, Czech Deputy Prime Minister for EU Affairs Alexandr Vondra defended “Entropa”:
Art is freedom. Freedom of expression is a founding principle of democracy. Art knows no boundaries. The Czech Presidency motto is a Europe without Barriers. (...)
Entropa is just art – nothing more, nothing less. In the last two days it has raised rather positive reactions. People react as they usually do when they attend an art exhibition: they watch, they analyse, discussing not only their own country but also the others. The project depicts mainly stereotypes and clichés as barriers to integration and cooperation in Europe. By realising that these barriers are there, we can start removing them. Realisation of prejudice is a sine-qua-non condition for its elimination. (...)
This piece of art has never been meant as the Czech Presidency vision of the EU or its Member States, and no matter how shocking the latest discovery might be, it does not change anything in this regard: this is not how the Czech Government or Presidency views the EU or any Member State. (...)
Entropa is a provocation of a kind. I understand that some could feel offended and I would like to apologise to them. This does not just concern Bulgaria but any other member state. (...)
We gave opportunity to free expression and it is the artist’s responsibility how he will approach this free space. We consider Entropa to be a piece of art. Nothing more, nothing less. I hope we can agree on this with the rest of the European family. We hope we will be able to laugh with you – not at you. (...)
It was a tough year for France. Apart from the COVID-19 crisis, in 2020
there were also terrorist attacks, natural disasters, heated debates around
a new p...
//////// FR version below / version FR plus bas ЕРОТАНАТОС ЖЮЛИЕН ВОАНО Куратор:
Павлина Кръстева 20.04-30.04.2018 Откриване: петък 20 април от 18ч. ...
ПРЕМИЕРНА прожекция
ПРЕМИЕРНА прожекция на късометражни филми, създадени в рамките на
Майсторския клас на проф. Дюлгеров през учебната 2014/2015г. в Нов
Български Университ...
The E 80 Association for Exit Strategies and Projects promotes new forms of participatory civil culture. Our activities stimulate open exchange of information, promote public debates and bring new ideas into cultural and social policies.
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