From: robori
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 07:15:16 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [elektrik_bg] Golden Nika na Ars Elektronika Bio-Art Iniciativa s bylgarsko uchastie spomenata v motivaciata na zurito
По-долу е мотивацията на журито на Арс Електроника,Линц да даде най-престижната награда за Медия арт наСимбиотикА Рисърч Лаб, Австралия. Като пионерска вобластта е спомената Био Арт Инициативата приРенселаер Политекник Институт, Ню Йорк, започната2006, в която Боряна Росса, Даниела Костова и ОлегМавроматти активно участват като куратори.
Tova e motivaciata na zurito na Ars Electronica, Linz,
AU da dade nai-prestiznata nagrada za Media art na
SymbioticA Reserach Lab, Perth, Australia. Kato
pionerska v oblastta e spomenata Bio Art Initiative
pri Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, zapochnata
2006, v koiato Boryana Rossa, Daniela Kostova, Oleg
Mavromatti aktivno uchastvat kato kuratori.
Golden Nica SymbioticA: The Art and Science
Collaborative Research Laboratory, University of
Western Australia, Perth (represented by its
co-founder and Artistic Director Oron Catts)
SymbioticA is an artistic laboratory, co-founded by
Professor Miranda Grounds, Professor Stuart Bunt as
its scientific director, and Oron Catts as its
artistic director. The laboratory is dedicated to the
research, pedagogy and critique of life sciences in
relation to the arts. Since 2000, it has enabled
artists to engage in wet biology practices in a
biological science department on an ongoing basis and
to pursue curiosity-based explorations while complying
with scientific regulations. Uniquely housed within
the School of Anatomy & Human Biology at the
University of Western Australia in Perth, SymbioticA
offers a "new means of artistic inquiry, one in which
artists actively use the tools and technologies of
science, not just to comment about them, but also to
explore their possibilities." The jury recognizes
SymbioticA's exceptional achievement as a
collaborative structure which, since its creation, has
provided access to more then 40 resident artists that
wish to work with wet biology lab techniques. It
became clear to the jury that many of the submissions
to the Hybrid category relied on the type of resources
which are nurtured and provided at SymbioticA to the
extent that the Lab has since become a model for other
institution-embedded structures, including Ectopia in
Lisbon and the newly initiated BioArts Initiative at
the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy.
Artists presently working with biological forms
confront limitations of access to technology, very
much analogous to the experiences of computer artists
active in the late 1960s. The necessary resources are
financially still prohibitive, with access restrictive
and mainly obtained through institution- scale
investments. Without institutional support for the
critical and imaginative practices, the field is
limited to singular and isolated attempts to employ
new techniques. SymbioticA represents an outstanding
example of how an artistic research community
effectively identifies new fields of engagement
towards systemically meaningful art forms. Most
crucial is SymbioticA's efforts to maintain the
relationships between artists and scientists in
balance a task that absorbs much creative energy
from the core artists running the structure Oron Catts
and Ionat Zurr, from the Tissue Culture & Art project.
Besides welcoming other artists, dealing with the
obligatory ethics approvals and health and safety
related issues, the core team of artists also offer
classes in "Biological Arts" for undergraduate
students, as well as the unique specialized
"Biological Arts Masters program". Outside the
academic setting, it organizes workshops for artists
including activities such as DNA extraction and
fingerprinting, genetic engineering and basic
tissue-engineering techniques, whose aim is to both
democratize knowledge about life sciences and to
enable anyone to set up home labs. This award is
intended to provide SymbioticA both recognition and
support for the Lab's existence, to help in creating
and producing new artworks. SymbioticA points to new
directions for the field of New Media art to go
beyond "plug and play" strategies and to open the
horizon for new forms of art which demand time,
equipment, skills and philosophical awareness of the
issues at stake. The jury believes that these changing
factors in terms of duration, transdisciplinary fusion
and the questioning of the centrality of data are
crucial in the category of Hybrid Art.
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[elektrik_bg] more info on:
moderator:ventsislav zankov
Коледен концерт на The Strawberry Finns, 22.12.2024
[image: Коледен концерт на The Strawberry Finns, плакат на събитието]
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честито на Боряна и Олег и Даниела за тахната упоритост и усилия и въпреки тоталната враждебна среда към техните дейности в Родната ни кочина. Разпознаването на това което правят като смислено закономерно става някъде другаде - ню йорк и австрия и неминуемо паралелът с официозната версия за съвременно българско изкуство на венецианското биенале,прави очебиен разломът, липсата на визия и смелост, ограничеността , конюнктурността на официалната идеята за актуално изкуство.
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